Why Offer Voluntary Benefits?
Looking for a way to provide excellent benefits to your employees? Voluntary Benefits play a important role in today's competitive work environment to recruit and retain employees, and in the benefit package you offer. The cost of providing employee benefits continues to escalate and employers are challenged to seek affordable options employees need.
With no direct cost to the employer, voluntary benefits allows you to compliment your current plan with additional benefit offerings. Employees pay all or some of the premiums, helping you manage benefit costs.
The options are affordable and employees will value the convenience of payroll deduction or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Voluntary Benefits are individually owned, paid for by the employee and completely portable. Through work-site enrollment, employees have the option to purchase Voluntary Benefits at group rates that are significantly lower than individually-purchased Voluntary Products. Premium payments through a payroll deduction process eliminate the employee's worry of making premium payments on time.
Products include but are not limited to the following:
* Critical Illness
* Life Insurance
* Short Term Disability
* Accident Insurance
* LTCi
Group products may also include:
* Group IRA
* Group Roth
Voluntary products provide employees with many advantages because the products are:
· Flexible
· Group Discounted
· Portable
· Available via stream-lined underwriting
· Convenience of payroll deduction
Voluntary benefits are an essential piece of the employee benefits puzzle, and CKSL, Inc. has partnered with the nation’s top voluntary and worksite benefit carriers. Give us a call today to see how we can help your company with voluntary benefits.