If you enjoy the challenge of tackling Form 1040 and have ample time to study the tax laws, plus the ability to comprehend them, by all means, you should save money and prepare your own tax return. But, if you are like the majority of American taxpayers, the "do it yourself" route could be a costly mistake. Even if you can find time to muddle through the tax laws, you are not likely to learn everything you need to know to minimize your tax bill. Chances are, you will spend many frustrating hours and still wind up paying more than your fair share. Given the complexity of our income tax laws and the ever-increasing demands on our time, becoming a once-a-year expert just is not practical.
Getting your tax prepared can actually be a pleasant experience if you are being served by a true professional. You should expect a pleasant office atmosphere with a reasonable degree of privacy and comfort. You should also be treated with respect and courtesy. You should not feel as though you are just another number being processed in production line style. Your personal and financial information should be held in strict confidence and the person or firm you select should have unquestionable integrity.
Will your tax preparer be there for you in July when you get a letter from the IRS? If you are not sure, you may consider looking for another one. A reputable tax professional will be readily available all year round to provide assistance with any tax problems or questions you may have.
As your most valued advisor, we anticipate your needs and are prepared to meet them. You can expect creative and objective guidance, advanced planning techniques, and knowledge and experience extending far beyond traditional tax services to help minimize your taxes. We help you identify alternatives, understand their tax implications, and guide you in structuring your transaction.
Each individual tax situation is unique. |